Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hero Factory MOC: Zielony v.4

A small MOC for today, namely the interesting Zielony v.4!
Remember our earlier MOCs, Niebieski and Czerwony? Well, little did you know a third model was constructed, and Zielony v.4 is her name!

Zielony follows the same general armature pattern as her predecessors, and she carries a dagger and a spear-shooting rifle.

The rapid success of models following this skeleton spawned a fourth model, Piorun v.4.
Piorun is lightning themed and has two claws and 2 wrist-mounted lightning shooter hoses.

This quartet of heroes spawned generations of new heroes following this armature.

Zielony v.4 is just one of 24 MOCs I've chosen to be in the HF Advent Calendar. Stay tuned for tomorrow's entry!

5 days 'til Christmas!