Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hero Factory MOC: Niebieski v.4

Today's blog entry features a Hero named Niebieski v.4.
Niebieski was designed to be adept and quick, especially during reconaissance missions. He is lighter than the average hero, but not as light as an Ultralight. His armor may be light, but his skeleton is lighter. His torso has specially formulated pores that lighten the chassis weight by approximately 10%. Niebieski carries a dual-function claw that can be used as a slashing claw or flipped around to be a pinching claw. He also carries a techno-organic whip. Niebieski also had a polar opposite of him crafted, by the name of Czerwony v.4.

Czerwony was designed to be Niebieski's working partner and counterpart. Note that their color schemes are opposites of each other. Since Niebieski is a melee weapon user, Czerwony uses projectile weapons. He carries an auto-focusing boomerang and an energy shooter.


  • "Niebieski" and "Czerwony" are Polish for blue and red, respectively.
Niebieski v.4 is just one of 24 MOCs I've chosen to be in the HF Advent Calendar. Stay tuned for tomorrow's entry!