Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hero Factory MOC: Therium

Happy Festivus everyone! (If you don't know what Festivus is, look it up.) Today, we have another odd creature for you. Following in the Harnakka's footsteps is the Therium!
Like the Harnakka, nobody knows exactly WHAT the Therium is or where it came from. It has 2 pairs of claws that can be used for gripping objects, a large, underslung jaw, and 2 tails. Its most interesting features, however, are the sensory nodes on its legs. They are very sensitive to touch and aid the Therium in finding food or prey. The Therium also has two pairs of eyes (the other are on his back) that protrude sharply for extra-accurate vision.

The Therium is just one of 24 MOCs I've chosen to be in the HF Advent Calendar. Stay tuned for tomorrow's entry!

2 days 'til Christmas!