Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hero Factory MOC: Dromaeus 2.0

The blog entry for December 4, 2012 is the strange Dromaeus 2.0.
Dromaeus was just an ordinary hero until he became the testbed for a new experimental weapon, and that weapon was...

...his left foot.

Yes, that's right. His left foot is his primary weapon. How does he use it, you ask? Well, in a prehistoric fashion, Dromaeus will pin the opponent down with his daggers, and then use his foot for a ballistic melee attack.

  • Dromaeus' name and fighting style are inspired by the Eodromaeus dinosaurs.

Dromaeus 2.0 is just one of 24 MOCs I've chosen to be in the HF Advent Calendar. Stay tuned for tomorrow's entry!