Sunday, December 18, 2011

Welcome, Hero Factory fans!

Hello! Thank you for stopping by StoneHart Hero Factory- Just The MOCs! Mission: Drones! was my first venture into publishing Hero Factory MOCs I have made in LDD (Lego Digital Designer), a story of the battle of the 'bots! Although those MOCs were made in LDD, I also make MOCs in real life using Bionicle and Hero Factory parts. I haven't yet created a blog for my Bionicle MOCs, but I will in the future.

Let me tell you about how I got into Bionicle and Hero Factory.

In 2005, I got my first Lego BIONICLE set, #4878 Rahaga Bomonga. I really liked the fantastical robot look of these sets, and eventually collecting got addictive. Even after the Bionicle Stars,  I still was collecting Lego, except in the form of HERO FACTORY.

And that's where my MOCs come in.

I have a collection of over 30 remaining BIONICLE sets (because most of them are MOCs now), and every single Hero Factory set.
At the time of this writing, I have over 120 Bionicle and Hero Factory MOCs ranging in height from about 2 inches to about 20 inches.  Some of these builds are my own personal takes on official characters, but most were completely made-up, so I devised my own storylines to avoid conflict with the real ones. 

The first wave of MOCs is going to be posted soon, so stay tuned to the blog!