Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lego Hero Factory MOCs: Crimson and Grayscale 3.0

The first heroes to be upgraded to 3.0 status in Mission:Drones!  are  Johnny Crimson 3.0. and Megan Grayscale 3.0

Crimson 3.0
Role: Defense
Weapon: Triple claw
Animal power: White Rhino
Special ability: N/A.

Here is a picture of Crimson in 2.0 form.

Crimson is a rookie who was originally teamed with another hero, Megan Grayscale. (more on her later.)
His triple claw can be used as a defensive shield or an offensive blade weapon. His spiky upper arms allow for more defense.

And speaking of Megan Grayscale, here she is!

Grayscale 3.0
Role: Hard target specialist
Weapon: Double barrel electron shotgun
Animal power: Wolverine
Special ability: N/A

Grayscale may seem quite emotionless and neutral (like grayscale colors,) but wait until you tick her off, then see what happens! It's unknown what makes Grayscale and Crimson a great pair because of their opposite personalities.

Mission Manager Martinus Zibelia picked Crimson, along with Grayscale, to be on the team because of their amazing teamwork and perfect effort on the team.

More MOCs to come!
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