Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Summer 2012 images are here!

Don't get too excited, we still have some people that need to get their Breakout sets.

There are 7 currently revealed sets, and the eighth will be revealed soon.
As I said before, distributing these pictures is illegal, so I will not post pictures.
So, I will describe them.


6221 NEX: Not really a fan favorite. LEGO seems to have cut the green out of Nex's color scheme and replaced it with more white. Nex's chestplate is white with a white core. The helmet resembles a combination of Nex 2.0's head and Nathaniel Zib's head. Not one of my favorites.

6282 STRINGER: This one... He no longer incorporates orange/Keetongu orange into his color scheme, but this time... blue? Seriously? Also, he comes with a silver hero Meteor Launcher. And a plain blue chest plate.

6223 BULK: Epic. Win. He has cannons mounted on his shoulders. How much cooler can you get? We get the MTIS piece in black and 3-long trans orange armor pieces.

6230 STORMER XL: This is the iteration of Stormer we saw in the trailer. Not much to say here, except there is a new type of armor that resembles wings, a remold of the Hulk chestplate with a 2 peg attachment, and a new foot mould. This guy's pretty cool.


6229 XT4: He's kinda weird looking. XT4 is a yellow Waspix/Meltdown "hybrid" creature/drone with no hands, instead using blades from the 3.0 line. This guy also has one red eye and a pseudo-Meltdown face.

6222 CORE HUNTER: Core Hunter is EPIC. He looks like a shorter Black Phantom without Arachnix, horns, or green. We're receiving Savage Planet claws in red and we're getting Rocka's bandolier again. He also has a new red Thornax launcher and a black launcher top.

6283 VOLTIX: This is the guy we saw in the Breakout movie trailer, except sloppier looking. He has no hands, instead preferring a bright yellow Meltdown tentacle for hands. This guy is my favorite next to Core Hunter.

The unknown villain will apparently be called "SPEEDA DEMON".

EDIT 1-15-2011: SPEEDA DEMON's picture is out. He has four arms, some trans-green armor, gold 3.0 claws like we saw in the Ninjago line, Black Phantom's head in lime green, and to top it all off: a nearly solid PURPLE version of the Furno Bike with a PURPLE Bohrok head and a PURPLE Skrall armor plate. I'm getting this guy before all of the other series 5 sets. Totally.

Pairing up Heroes/ Villains (according to set numbers, this is only a prediction)
Edit 1-15-11
Stormer XL vs. Speeda Demon
Nex vs. Core Hunter
Bulk vs. XT4?
Stringer vs. Voltix

More info to come.