Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hero Factory MOC: Quaza Snare

The blog entry for 12-13-12 features one of Aldous Witch's creations that managed to remain on Quatros after the Savage Planet missions. That creation is the Quaza Snare.
The Quaza Snare is a six-legged creature that lived on Quatros until a mission that occurred after the Savage Planet mission. The Snare was designed by Aldous Witch as a lure for Heroes so they would be trapped and drained of their energy.

The Snare has six Hero Core-esque appendages on the tips of its legs that are made of Quaza, but don't transfer energy. In fact, they ABSORB it.

One other feature of the Quaza Snare is...
its hideous face. It has a large, gaping mouth for entrapment, as well as compound eyes for added visibility. The Heroes who captured this villain underwent numerous training sessions for certification so they could fend off this behemoth.

  • The compound eyes were inspired by the Pokemon Genesect.
  • The legs for this creature took inspiration from echinoderms, or starfish.
  • The mouth is reminiscent of that of a ray or skate.
The Quaza Snare is just one of 24 MOCs I've chosen to be in the HF Advent Calendar. Stay tuned for tomorrow's entry!