Saturday, September 8, 2012

HF 2013 speculation

It's September, so we should expect to see some pictures of the winter 2013 Hero Factory sets.
My first bit of info comes from IMDB, who claims that the next two episodes of Hero Factory's TV series are called "Von Nebula Rises" and "Anti-Hero Factory." My second tidbit comes from Eurobricks, where someone described the sets as appearing to have brain-like objects on the top of their heads. They also will come in the bags we saw with Breakout again.

In other news that may excite HF fans, Ninjago's replacement is apparently called "The Legend of Chima," which has been described as similar to Avatar but with humanoid animals, flywheels, and "Hero Factory-ish" figures.

Prelims should be coming soon, but I will not be showing them on this blog.
More MOCs are coming, just working on some for now.